8 things I’m passionate about
1. My Rock-Star Husband - It's true. We're madly in love.
2. My fairly large family - they are the reason I am who I am. And I like who I am, so thanks guys.
3. Traveling - to anywhere I've never been before, and even to places I have been.
4. Learning - mostly about anything. Math, not my strong point, but under the right circumstances, even that can be interesting to me.
5. Art - It's what I got my degree in, so let's hope I'm passionate about it!
6. Creating - again, this one's pretty much anything. Just look at my past posts.
7. Bacon. 'Nuf said.
8. Music - I mean, I did marry a rock star.
8 Songs I can listen to over and over again and never get sick of
1. When the Levee Breaks, Led Zepplin
2. Stop this Train, John Mayer
3. Take Your Mama, Scissor Sisters
4. The Sweetest Thing, U2
5. Hide Your Love Away, The Beatles
6. Fly By Night, Rush
7. Lie In Our Graves, Dave Matthews Band
8. Every Little Thing, The Police
8 books I’ve read 1. The Book of Mormon
2. Pride and Prejudice
3. Crime and Punishment
4. Persuasion
5. The Count of Monte
Cristo6. Emma
7. Uh....
8. I'm not much of a reader. More of a wait-for-the-movie person. Please don't judge me too harshly.
8 Things I say often(I have this bad habit of quoting movies...a lot...so most of these are movie quotes)
"Hey...Cutie..." 2. Don't worry 'bout it.
3. "
It's pretty good, I guess."4.
"Like you didn't know"5. I need a treat.
"That is because you are crazy"
"Big gulps, huh? Alright"8. Babe, I'm all out of beverage...
8 Things that attract me to a friend1. They're funny - I'm the youngest child, which makes me the
funniest, so I expect my friends to be funny too.
2. They think I'm funny - Who do you think I'm cracking all these jokes for, myself? Okay, so maybe I do laugh at my own jokes, but you should too.
3. Honesty - You know where liars go, right?
4. Chatty - I'm actually not very talkative..and I'm a little bit lazy, so it's good if one of us can carry most of the conversation.
5. Common Interests - If I am going to listen to you (See #4) , I might as well find it interesting.
6. Laid Back - If you're stressed out,
that'll throw off my groove. Simmer.
7. Uh...
8. I'm pretty laid back, so I only have six criteria for friendship as opposed to the general populous average of eight.
8 Random things about me1. I have a twin brother. And no, we are not identical. And yes, I've been asked that on more than one occasion.
2. I have a secret love of junk food. Mac n' Cheese, grape soda, corn dogs, Cheetos, Slim-
Jims (even my husband doesn't eat those), and
Totino's Party Pizza is my frozen pizza of choice. Yes, I would actually pick it over any other frozen pizza, given the option. Gross, I know, but I just can't help myself. But....
3. I also really love health-nut food. Granola is my favorite cereal, I only drink
soymilk, and my all time favorite food is fresh raspberries.
4. I'm rather flexible. I'm talking
Gumby, flexible. I tend to forget that other people aren't that flexible until I do something I regard as rather
un-remarkable in front of others and they let me know that, no, not everyone can fold their body in half four different ways.
5. I know the difference between
single coils and
humbuckers. My
rockstar husband likes to talk about guitar/recording equipment...a lot (again, see #4 under "8 Things that attract me to a friend").
6. I'm horribly forgetful. If you ask me when my husband's birthday is, I have to stop and think about it. And we're not exactly newlyweds.
7. I'm the proud owner of six guitars...oh, wait...this is supposed to be about me.
8. I never had a job of any kind (other than baby-sitting) until I was a
sophmore in college. But I sure had a lot of fun in high school.
8 Things I want to do before I die1. Visit every continent (yes, I'm including Antarctica in this one).
2. Be a stay-at-home mom.
3. Own a raspberry bush.
4. Learn silver and/or gold
5. Own a
Pygmy goat.
6. Take a pottery class.
7. Add a
humbucker to that sweet guitar collection of mine...oh wait...
8. Finish this survey.
The 8 People I want to do the 8’s
1. This was a long one...
2. So I will make no mandates...
3. If you feel so inclined...
4. Go for it...
5. Otherwise...
6. Don't feel bad...
7. I even took an entire section out...
8. Like I said, it's long.