Last week we got a note on our door saying the HOA was coming to paint our door on Thursday, and someone needed to be home between 10:00am and 4:00pm to unlock the door so they could take it off the hinges and paint it. Kind of a ridiculous span of hours, but, hey, I get my door painted. So I would have to stay home from work. Shucks. But I would have to plan on staying home all day, so I did a little shopping Wednesday night at JoAnn's and Michael's, and bought supplies for projects to keep me busy. First I worked on a
fall leaf garland to go in the front room. I cut the leaves from different colors of felt. Then I used metallic gold thread to sew "veins". Then I sewed them to brown rickrack. (The spool said it was 6ft long, but it was definitely only 5' 6", so that's why it looks a little short for the space). Then I tied the bows, attached the bells, and hung it all up with push-pins.

The picture below is of the tower I created to act as a tripod so I could get a halfway decent picture of the garland. It was all for you, Nancy, since I know you expect great things from me now, and I wouldn't want to disappoint!

After I was done with that I started working on my wire family tree. I got the branches formed and bound. I still haven't gotten pictures yet, so this project is sitting in unfinished limbo until then.

By the end of the day the door painters never came. Brian called, and apparently they had some trouble getting the paint (whatever that means), so they're coming this week sometime. Pretty ridiculous, huh? He told them they'd have to work around us this time, since they didn't feel the need to tell us before I took a paid day off work. But, hey, at least I was productive on my day off.
Wait a minute. . .
Brian told me HE was the one who stayed home and waited for the guy who never showed up. I swear he told me that.
Okay, so maybe we both took the off...wouldn't you? Sleep in, have a late breakfast...but then Brian went in to work in the afternoon.
Too bad that you had to stay home from work. I am sure that was really difficult for you to do. But it looks like you made good use of your time. Love the garland and the family tree. Hope to see soon the pictures on the tree.
hopefully Brian's boss doesn't read your blog! Just kidding, I would have totally done the same thing. And I really like the crafts you came up with, the garland looks great and can't wait to see the finished tree!
I'm loving the progress on the tree! Good work on the garland, and hopefully you were able to get some crafting in today, too. :)
I actually didn't do any crafting yesterday. It wasn't a fake sick day, I promise. But I did start to feel better around 4:00 and got my living room cleaned, and I made a cheese ball for cooking group tonight. Oh, it's tasty. Good thing the recipe makes two!
And to clarify, originally I was just going to take the day off, but then Brian's boss decided Wednesday to "reward" him with time off, and he decided to take Thursday morning, since I was going to be home too.
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