Friday, July 16, 2010

Gold Star!

Do you use Google Reader? It's kind of, totally addicting. WAY worse than email. With email, I constantly check back and am disappointed, because no one ever emails me. With Reader, there's always something new, because it loves me more than email. I love it too, because it allows me to "Star" posts that I like, and keeps them all in one place for me. That Reader, so thoughtful. Here are some posts I've recently starred in Reader:

Have a lovely weekend!


Katie Richardson said...

Hey Angela. Thanks for the Google Reader Star tip. I am a reader addict, but I didn't know about the STAR feature...NICE.
Thanks for the shout-out!
Miss you!

Nancy said...

I never knew what the star thing was for, now I know and I'm going to sat you!

Unknown said...

hey question. what recipe does nancy use for the melt away cookie frosting? just any frosting recipe or does she use a "special" one?!

Michelle said...

so we totally have to make the smores bars on our beach trip - those look amazing!!

Also, thanks for the star tip - had no idea!!